What are Google Algorithms


What is an algorithms

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By Vikash ParmarTechnical writer & Editor

Google's algorithms are a complex system used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible result for a query. The search engine uses a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking factors to deliver web pages ranked by relevance on its search engine result pages(SERP)

Google algorithms play a crucial role in determining the visibility and ranking of websites in search engine results. Here are some important Google algorithms that impact website rankings:

  1. Google PageRank: While no longer the primary algorithm, PageRank was one of Google's initial algorithms. It assessed the quality and quantity of backlinks to a webpage to determine its importance and relevance.

  2. Google Panda: Introduced in 2011, Panda focuses on the quality and relevance of website content. It penalizes low-quality or thin content, duplicate content, keyword stuffing, and other tactics aimed at manipulating search rankings.

  3. Google Penguin: Launched in 2012, Penguin primarily targets manipulative link-building practices. It aims to penalize websites engaged in spammy link schemes, irrelevant or low-quality backlinks, and over-optimized anchor text.

  4. Google Hummingbird: Released in 2013, Hummingbird focuses on semantic search and the meaning behind search queries. It enables Google to better understand user intent and deliver more relevant search results.

  5. Google Mobile-Friendly Update: Introduced in 2015, this algorithm gives preference to mobile-friendly websites in mobile search results. It emphasizes the importance of responsive design and usability on mobile devices.

  6. Google RankBrain: This artificial intelligence-based algorithm, introduced in 2015, helps Google interpret ambiguous or unfamiliar search queries. RankBrain uses machine learning to refine search results based on user behaviour and engagement metrics.

  7. Google Medic Update: Rolled out in 2018, this algorithm update mainly impacted health and medical websites. It emphasized the need for authoritative and trustworthy content in the healthcare industry.

  8. Google BERT: BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) was introduced in 2019 to improve the understanding of natural language in search queries. It enables Google to better comprehend the context and nuances of words within a sentence.

  9. Google Core Updates: These major updates, occurring multiple times a year, bring significant changes to search rankings. They focus on improving relevance, user experience, and content quality.

It's important for website owners and digital marketers to stay updated with these algorithms, as they shape the SEO strategies and best practices necessary to maintain and improve website visibility in Google's search results.


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